School Council

The Role of the Glen Ogilvie School Council

The main purpose of the GO School Council is to help improve student achievement and to enhance communication and accountability between the school and its community of parents, legal guardians, neighbours, community associations, groups and businesses. Council also aids in identifying the needs of the GO school community and addresses them in the best interest of our students.

As an advisory body, Council achieves its goals by maintaining a school-wide focus and providing advice to the principal and school board on significant education issues, and by planning activities that support the active participation of parents/guardians and GO’s School Community.

School Council Objectives

  • Establish and maintain a liaison between the school and its community;
  • Work to actively engage GO’s parent community;
  • Collaborate with the school and its community on issues;
  • Focus on the best interests of all students;
  • Provide a forum where parents, community representatives and school staff can meet to discuss issues related to the student’s school experience;
  • Identify needs of the GO School Community and provide appropriate solutions where possible;
  • Operate without financial gain to its members – all profits and/or funds raised are for the sole purposes of achieving Council’s objectives;
  • Ensure representative parental input to Council activities; and
  • Respond to requests from both the Parents and School Community, including the Board, for advice and participation.


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