School Handbook

Glen Ogilvie Public School 

2023-2024 School Handbook

We, at Glen Ogilvie, would like to acknowledge that our school is on unceded Algonquin Territory, and thank the Algonquin Nation for hosting us on their land.

About us

At Glen Ogilvie we recognize each individual within our community and we value all differences, skills, talents, interests, cultural backgrounds, aspirations and special needs. We strive to instil in our students the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to become self-directed and self-motivated problem solvers, with a life-long love of learning. We support high curriculum expectations in a positive and supportive learning environment and  maintaining strong bonds with the home and community. At Glen Ogilvie we know that the future starts today, in our classrooms, hallways, library, gyms, and on our yard, with each and every child.

OCDSB Mission Statement

The OCDSB challenges all students to achieve personal excellence in learning and responsible citizenship within a safe, equitable, diverse and caring environment.  

VP/P Message

Welcome to Glen Ogilvie Public School and to a new school year. We hope that 2023-2024 will be your best year ever! 

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our students and families who are returning, as well as to the families of students who are new to our school.  The staff at Glen Ogilvie have been very busy preparing for a fantastic school year. This year will offer you many academic challenges so remember to always put your best effort forward.

We thank you for the patience and understanding you have demonstrated as we have been  preparing to open our school to your children this year. We continue to plan carefully and feel very excited welcoming your children at school.

We look forward to a busy and productive year that will include a focus on new friendships, a growth mindset, and demonstrating kindness. 

Have an excellent year!

Jennifer Thompson and Céline Leduc


Community of Character

The Ottawa Carleton District School Board is committed to providing a learning environment where all individuals feel safe, valued, respected, and welcome.  

A safe and caring learning community is one that takes a holistic approach to learning and academic achievement through the infusion of character education and opportunities for character development, respect for diversity, parent and community partnerships, and citizenship development. The fundamental building blocks to a safe and caring school community are the relationships and partnerships between administrators, staff, parents, students and the community. 

The purpose of our community of character is to provide a standard of behaviour against which all individuals in the OCDSB hold themselves accountable.  These attributes are what will bind us together and permeate all that we do.  


Inclusive, Safe and Caring Schools 

The OCDSB believes that it is the right of each student and each staff member to have a safe and orderly learning environment, free of concern about personal safety. The OCDSB shall:

  1. reduce and try to eliminate the incidence of bullying and violence in the schools
  2. provide opportunities for students to develop the skills necessary to handle and avert violent and potentially violent situations;
  3. promote the long-term prevention of violence by preparing students to manage their lives and relationships in non-violent ways; 
  4. work cooperatively and in shared responsibility with students, parents, school councils, staff, the wider community and the police to foster a safe and inclusive school environment and to fulfil the guiding principles and objectives of the Board;
  5. ensure that all members of the school community are treated with respect and dignity. 


Exit Outcomes

At the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board our vision of student success goes beyond the classroom. Our goal is to prepare students to be successful in life. The OCDSB Exit Outcomes identify 5 Characteristics and 5 Skills that we are trying to develop in every student. This work begins in kindergarten and we hope that by the time students graduate, they will move confidently into the world, equipped with a strong academic foundation and the learning skills they need to navigate future pathways - whether that is work, apprenticeship, college, university or community living.

Glen Ogilvie Public School

School Year Calendar 2023-2024

First day of 1st term - September 5
Photo Day - October 5
P.A. Day - October 6
Thanksgiving Holiday - October 9
P.A. Day - November 3
Photo Retake Day - November 16
P.A. Day - November 24
Christmas Break - December 25  to January 
P.A. Day - January 26
P.A. Day - February 16
Family Day - February 19
March Break - March 11 to March 15
Good Friday - March 29
Easter Monday - April 1
Victoria Day - May 20
EQAO Testing - May to June
P.A. Day - June 7
Last day of Class - June 27

An OCDSB monthly calendar is also available on the OCDSB website.

Our School Day

Our school works on a balanced school day schedule from Monday to Friday, with three large blocks of instructional time and two nutritional breaks. 

Below you will see the breakdown of our regular hours  for our grade one to five  students.

Our school hours are:

8:15am School office opens

9:00am School yard supervision begins

9:15am -11:15am Instructional block #1

11:15am -12:00pm Nutrition break (snack/recess)

12:00pm -1:40pm     Instructional block

1:40pm -2:25pm Nutrition Break (lunch/recess)

2:25pm -3:45pm Instructional Block

3:45pm Dismissal

4:15 pm  Office closes

At Glen Ogilvie, we value learning time. Please make sure that your child arrives on time for school ready to learn. As well, please try to schedule appointments (medical, dental or other) at times where it does not interfere with learning. We thank you in advance.

Glen Ogilvie Public School

Code of Conduct

Families and schools are partners in preparing our young people for a fulfilling, responsible, adult life in our society. In order to develop and mature into productive citizens, students require: access to education, opportunities to develop a strong sense of self worth, self discipline,  respect for themselves, others and property, assumption of responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. Our Code of Conduct is founded on respect for self, others and property. (OCDSB policy P.125.SCO).

At Glen Ogilvie, staff, students and families are expected to:

  • Show respect (self, students, staff and property)
  • Be punctual and ready for learning
  • Complete work on time
  • Take responsibility for any actions or any words that may be harmful to the health, safety and well-being of themselves and others

OCDSB follows a progressive discipline model to build upon and promote positive behaviours. Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of prevention and interventions, approaches, supports and consequences to address inappropriate behaviour.

Glen Ogilvie Public School

School Procedures


Regular attendance is the basis for academic achievement and success in school. The Ontario government requires that all students attend classes punctually and regularly. Families are asked to phone our 24 hour attendance line (613-824-4014 or 613-824-4164) to report an absence or late arrival or use the absence reporting form found on our website: Glen Ogilvie Home Page

Parental permission is required for a student to leave the school during the school day. If your child is being picked up, it is necessary to identify who will be picking them up. We will not release a child to an unidentified person without a written note. The adult must sign out students at the office. Upon returning to school the student must report to the office to sign in. 

Late Arrival

All students who arrive late to school must report to the office and must sign in.  Recurring lates and/or absences are documented. If required, the school Social Worker will work with a family in order to support school routines and rectify lates and absences. 

Early Pick Up

We ask that early pick-ups be avoided unless absolutely necessary.  Our school office is a very busy place especially from 3:15 to 3:45.  

Parking and Student Drop Off

We ask that all adults dropping off children at the school use Centrepark Drive, away from the bus loop. No vehicles should ever be stopped or parked in the bus loop or the parking lot. To ensure student safety, we use pylons to block off the parking lot during entry and dismissal times. 


Students must observe safe rules of conduct while on school buses. In cases where safety rules are not followed, the driver will first seek the cooperation of the student. If the student will not cooperate, the driver will report the student to the principal or vice-principal, who will take whatever corrective action is warranted. For repeated problems, this may include the withdrawal of transportation services for a specific period of time.

In the interest of student safety, only certain equipment is allowed on buses. Skates must have the blades covered, or be carried in a sports bag. All bags must be kept on the floor at the student's feet. In cases of dispute, the final decision as to what may or may not be transported remains with the driver.

At times, buses may be cancelled. Please make sure you plan for an alternative should this occur. For any further information about transportation visit

You may also use the Bus Stop Finder to check for delays to student bus stops at

Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller Blades, etc.

Students riding bicycles to school should be prepared to secure them while at school. Glen Ogilvie can not be responsible for the security of bicycles left at school.  Bicycles, skateboards and rollerblades (and others) should not be ridden once a student is on Glen Ogilvie property. Bicycle helmets must be worn by all cyclists under the age of 18 years old.

Yard Supervision

Supervision in our school yard begins at 9:00am. Students may arrive from 9:00am on to ensure their safety. Students must be picked up at 3:45pm when school ends. There is no supervision on the yard after 3:45pm.


Students will be going outside everyday for recess. The office monitors the weather for heavy rain or extreme cold and will make decisions accordingly. Students must be dressed for the day’s weather. Light rain will not result in an indoor recess. Umbrellas are not permitted at recess. Jackets with hoods are optimal for our unpredictable weather conditions. Staff members monitor the yard and help students make good decisions. Each staff member wears an orange vest and carries a walkie talkie.


Our students are busy learning everyday. They also have daily physical education. It is important that all our students come to school with a healthy lunch and multiple snacks. Please make sure you send your child with food that is nutritional and that they like. Please include the necessary cutlery. It is also required that they come to school with a refillable water bottle. Please be aware that some classes have students with life-threatening allergies to certain foods. If your child’s class has been flagged please ensure to pack the appropriate food. It is all our responsibility to keep everyone safe.

Hall and Yard Routines

In order to promote safety in the school when moving from class to class, students should walk at all times in an orderly fashion. The front schoolyard and the parking lot areas are out of bounds to students unless under the supervision of a staff member. 

Dress Code

Students are expected to arrive at school clean and neat and wearing appropriate clothing for  learning. Flip flops or open-toed sandals are discouraged. We encourage students to dress for the weather (hats and sunscreen for hot sunny days; boots, snow pants and coats for wet and snowy weather).


Students are asked to keep their cubby area neat and tidy. They may leave their indoor shoes and a change of clothes in their cubby area. We also ask students and their families to visit the Lost and Found periodically. Items will be laid out regularly for students to check for lost belongings. Unclaimed items will be donated. 

Toys From Home

We strongly recommend that students do not bring toys from home. This would include pokemon cards and beyblades. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. Our School Council provides the students with lots of balls, skipping ropes and sand toys that they may use during recess time. We have a beautiful yard with lots of space for outdoor play. Our staff also provides activities for our students to sign up for during recess time such as Musicals, intramural sports, Green Team, etc…

Visitors to Our School

We welcome visitors such as parents, guardians, grandparents, volunteers and other helpers. For security purposes, all visitors must report to the school’s main office to sign in and obtain an identification badge to wear at all times while on school property. All visitors must make arrangements with the staff prior to coming into the building. Field trip volunteers will be contacted by the responsible staff member. 

All OCDSB Buildings are Scent-Free Zones

Many staff and students have severe reactions to scent that have significant health implications. It is important to refrain from using scented products before or at school. Problematic products may include perfumes, colognes, soaps, body lotions, sunscreens, deodorant and laundry additives. Please choose scent-free options.

Appropriate Use of Technology

Glen Ogilvie School and the OCDSB recognize the benefits that technology can bring to support student learning. Our policy (P.100.IT) sets the expectation that the technology at school is used for educational purposes only.  New students to our school will be sent a link via email to our Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement.  Parents will also receive the link again when the student is in grade 4.  Please review the expectation with your child/ren before submitting the form.  These agreements support your child towards becoming a positive digital citizen and understanding the etiquette of responsible use, which supports their learning environment. Any unacceptable use of technology at school may result in the removal of this privilege. Students are expected to use school technology under the supervision of staff. 

Personal Devices

The use of personal devices during instructional time will be permitted only under the following circumstances:

  • For educational purposes, as directed by an educator
  • For health and medical purposes, as directed by a physician
  • To support special education needs as identified through an Individual Education Plan


Communication is an important part of your child’s schooling. Staff can be reached by either phone, email or note. Class communication can be found in the Google Classroom. The majority of school communication is sent through our Community Update via School Messenger and on our school website. 

Emergency Dismissal 

Occasionally it may be necessary to dismiss students early. For their safety, please ensure that alternate arrangements are made and rehearsed with them, taking care to always update the school records with the Office Administrator. 

Field Trip Procedures

Students will receive a field trip permission form for every activity that occurs off school property. Without a parent's written consent on the appropriate Board form, the child cannot participate in the activity. In accordance with the procedures established by the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, we are unable to accept hand-written notes or telephone calls to approve field trips. Your cooperation in filling out the forms as promptly as possible is appreciated. All forms are sent online.

School Cash Online

School Cash Online is easy to use and an efficient way to pay for your children’s school fees, field trips, lunches, etc. Please register an account, connect your children to your account and you will be able to make

payments online.  This is the preferred method of accepting payments at school.  If you have any issues please Contact the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803 or

Glen Ogilvie Public School

Keys to Success

  • Arrive on time, ready to learn, everyday
  • As much as possible, book appointments outside school hours
  • Read to your child or let your child read to you everyday
  • Ask your child questions about school that require a full answer such as: What was your favourite part of the day? Can you show me what you did in Math?
  • Send a healthy lunch and lots of snacks
  • Send a refillable water bottle
  • Send well-fitting running shoes
  • Read the Google Classroom daily
  • Take a look at our website Glen Ogilvie Home Page
  • Play board and card games so that your child learns communication skills and social skills such as waiting for your turn
  • Consider attending School Council meetings (typically the second Wednesday of the month)